“Magnificent! A great place where you can enjoy various activities, have a nice time with friends, and that has beautiful shops. Not to be missed!”

Enthusiastic after her first visit to Les Ateliers des Capucins
L'équipe de la Médiathèque François Mitterrand - Les Capucins

The François Mitterrand - Les Capucins Media Library team

L'équipe des Curiosités de Dialogues

The Curiosités de Dialogues team

Une partie de la team pour la soirée LAB 5
Emmanuelle Hascoët - Première résidente de We ARt MINDS

Emmanuelle Hascoët - The first resident of WE Art MINDS

L'équipe d'Illucity

L'équipe d'Illucity

Le noel des ateliers

“A nice place to meet with many activities each week. If you’re coming from the city center, you can take a short cable car ride right over the naval base. A must-see in Brest!”



“Before, I really couldn’t do it, but thanks to Matt, I don’t fall anymore!”

10 years old, now very comfortable rollerblading
Photo skate
motif noir et blanc

A really beautiful place to visit!

Jeux enfants

“Lovely place! A unique location that is constantly innovating and offers a large space for arts and is accessible to all. Really great!”

Passage des Yannicks et des Ti Zefs